Sunday, April 19, 2015

Car Paid Off, Thank You, Jesus!

Hello to you!
Well, since the last post, the Lord blessed us to get the wood stove installed...(It works really well and it put out a lot of heat when we used it before spring came this year)...and also, to pay off one of our two vehicles.  We are getting closer to retirement, Lord willing, next year and Hubby and I are working on getting totally out of debt by that time.  We still have quite a lot of debt to pay off but we will, with the Lord's help.  Also we need to get our roof reshingled before retirement...this will probably be around $4500 or so...maybe even more.  We've had a LEAK that has been repeatedly repaired (3 times)...recently.  Before the leak, along and along, we have been repairing/replacing things in our home as we can...both commodes...some flooring/coverings, etc.  For a web begun, God sends thread...oh yes.  There are some other things we are hoping to accomplish (PAY) before retirement also but that will be addressed later, Lord willing.  Part of our debt is credit card debt.  A few weeks ago, we made calls and shut down all of our credit cards.  Closed out our accounts.  That way, the temptation will not be there to remax them out when we make a monthly payment on them since they are now unusable (and have been destroyed as well).