Monday, April 8, 2013

For A Web Begun, God Sends Thread...

This morning, I called our local cable company, which we've done business with for many years, in hopes of lowering our monthly payment for internet and cable service.  We only have basic cable and internet.  We're not into ordering movies nor HBO.  We're content with watching local news, the weather channel,  and old, clean movies...well, you get the idea.  Anyway, she lowered our monthly bill by about $5.  So now we will be paying $64.99 plus tax (which to me is still high, although not quite as high as it was). 
Next, I proceeded to call our cellphone company with the same intentions.  I do not use the cellphone much, just mainly when I'm away from home, and infrequently then.  I'd accumulated almost 4,000 unused minutes over the past year on it and well over 300 have been expiring monthly as a person can only carry 12 month's unused at a time.  A woman answered and  told me I could change to the senior plan (age 65 and over) and save $10 a month on my bill and have the  current 450 minutes-plan reduced to 200 minutes per month.  She still wanted to do it although I made it clear to her I would not for conscious' sake accept it, as I am not that age.  So she connected me with someone else, after telling me I would need to wait a couple minutes while she talked with the person before I would, to tell them I wanted my bill lowered and to give them my information.  Another woman came onto the line and said she could lower my bill by $20 a month if I would be willing to accept a 200 week-day-only minutes plan, as well as accept the elimination of the almost 4000 accumulated unused minutes.  I asked her what was I to do if I needed to talk over the weekend on the cellphone?  She answered that she would give me 200 bonus minutes that I could use any time AND that she would also pay my account current ($154 owed on it...WOW!) and she said I would not have a payment due until May (which would be $19.99 for the 200 minutes plus the usual $30 for unlimited data, a total of $49.99 plus tax monthly) I was happy over that and told her so, too.  So now the cellphone is paid current and the monthly bill will be lowered by at least $20.  :-)
Hubby came home from work and I informed him of the news.  I also told him that we've been paying about $350.00 interest (approximately) each month on our home mortgage.  He and I have been discussing, here lately, as to whether to, Lord willing, save up the entire balance of our home's payoff and then paying off our home OR pay more along and along, to the principle.  Yes, I've learned that doing the latter is the way to go to help eliminate interest payments BUT he and I have been working on building up a liquid savings...We had done it but last year we went through a lot of it...circumstances prevailed and it was not wasted.  We felt thankful we had it to go through.  So, for now, we're just making the monthly mortgage payments while saving what we can.
I've been going through the closets, etc. off and on over the past few months and selling some things that have not been being used much if any.  This is helping a little in building savings.
I guess this may not seem like much to some, but I'm very happy about this reduction in monthly payments to the cable company and the cellphone company (as well as $154 paid to bring our cellphone bill current included).  Before I close this update, I want to say that I've been receiving high-interest checks in the mail from local loan companies that I've been destroying and getting rid of.  Yes, they are a little tempting but not that tempting.  I got involved with them year before last came in the mail in 2011 for over $2000 and I cashed it and put it in savings and felt pretty good about that for a while and another one came for over $1200 not long after, which I did the same with.  The payments were pretty high and after paying them for MONTHS, I realized that I'd thrown over $800 (interest on the payments I'd paid so far) to the WIND.  I took money from the 'savings' and paid them both off.  Lesson learned.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

5 Years Later...

The financial goal is still the same...paying off our home early.  Now we are down to owing a little under $49,000.00 on our home, which is about a $6000.00 improvement over five years ago.  That is the good news.

The not-so-good news is we went back in debt with 3 credit cards.   Yes, after paying off 3 credit cards, we got back in debt with 3 credit cards.  One was for things we needed...another lawn mower, a washer and dryer, etc.  Another one was for getting rid of a 2nd one (replacing it) that had a very high interest rate, with a 0% interest rate card, which when it came due to be paid in full so it wouldn't go to a much higher rate with deferred interest added on, it was bailed out with the 3rd one, which was another 0% interest rate card.  Instead of closing or leaving alone the 2nd card that was now cleared, I negotiated a low interest rate which was not 0, but was around 8%, and we used it all the way back up to the full $1000.00 it was good for (buying groceries, gas, eating out, etc.) while saving an emergency fund with what we would have spent money on the groceries, etc.  Top this off with some good news...I found Money Aisle (a vehicle refinance online auction) and negotiated a refinance on both our vehicles at a much lower interest rate and lower payment on them to aid in getting some savings built up.  As you can see...2 steps forward, 1 step least this is better than no steps forward...right? 

Our goal, as I've stated is still to be mortgage-free.  Hubby is nearing retirement age in just a few more years and if a person doesn't have a lot of savings at that time, I think making a good-sized mortgage payment out of Social Security can't be a lot of fun.

So it goes...we are still hopeful that within the next couple of years, Lord willing and with His Help, we can be debt-free with our home.  We may still be making payments on our vehicles but they should be paid off within a few years, too (hopefully).

In the meantime, I'm still learning...still reading finance journals online...still doing research as I surf for new ideas or as I read about others' experiences in their quests to get debt-free.  I'm praying and believing the Lord will help us to get out of debt. 

Remember what the Bible says...(Romans 13:8) 'Owe no man anything but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. '  Also, (Proverbs 22:7)  'The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.'