The name, Southern Fried Finances makes about as much sense as our lack of knowledge in finances have in the past. Up until about a year ago, I understood very little, if any, about savings, interest rates, credit scores, etc. Hubby the same. Because of this, we have had lots of high-interest debts, including credit cards. We have recently paid off our three credit cards...yayyy!!!...and closed the accounts. We did this by filing, for the first time, our income taxes using itemizing, instead of the standard deduction, which we've always used for many years. So we got back over a thousand extra dollars than we would have, had we filed with standard deduction and we paid off our credit cards. So...having read lots of personal finance blogs over the past year and learning a 'few' things so far, I thought it would be helpful to our financial situation to do a personal finance blog as well as to others who are in similar situations as we are, also.
We owe almost $55,000.00 on our home, which we bought 10 years ago. Most of what we have paid on our home thus far has gone to interest. We did a fixed 30 year contract.
I hope this blog will encourage others to be good stewards of their finances!